Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My new Starbucks Tumbler

Had to wake up early to go pick Kar Hing up to Colby's house so I could watch to top 12 Showdown 2012 which Colby recorded for me two weeks ago. It's so hard to schedule the time to watch it as sometimes I have things on. Thank God that Colby has the new Astro decoder which can record. So convenient.

After watching, we went to Aeon, which was nearby for our lunch. They told me that Sakae was having a promotion from 12pm-3pm. So good! We get to eat a meal ranging from RM7.99 onwards and then go for a walk before we eat the 3pm buy one free one promotion! Crazy Japanese meal promotions.

Since I've started taking my Polaroid camera everywhere I go, though it's heavy! I decided to take a photo of my boys. I'm still not so sure in the settings of indoors, outdoors, cloudy and stuff. However, it turned out not that bad. They boys keep telling me they look bad in the picture. Do they? Not to my point of view...

After our meal, we walked down to the supermarket, which I have never gone to before yet and bumped into Hoe's sister. She was having lunch with her husband. The boys started talking as I tried to call my sister-in-law to ask for her Starbucks card. Then there she was, tapping on my shoulder... Small world. Actually I knew she was coming. I just didn't know if she was gone yet. HAHA!

The supermarket was freezing cold! It's like the air-conditioning was free or something. LOL! Seriously and it has a weird smell... Perhaps it's just still new...

Joey hasn't had her lunch, so we went back to Sakae again for the 3pm promotion. She ate about 5 dishes and we shared the rest. CHEAP!!! RM40 only for 10 plates of good RED plates... Here's her photo also! She thinkgs she looks awesome here therefore the words "Leng, Leng, QIU LENG!!!" is written there... LOL!

Adding these two photos, my wall of memories is almost complete! Perhaps its time to move to my cupboards which are just plain white. Not a bad idea huh?

We then headed to Starbucks because I wanted to buy a tumbler. I chose one which was really cool and I get to design my own tumbler!!! It's RM52 for a Grande size and RM48 for the smaller one... I got the Grande...

It's said that if I bought a tumbler with the Starbucks card, I would get a free drink. However, I will have to register the card online first. Since Joey had a card, I registered for her and got my tumbler at last. Instead of having one free drink, we got 2! One for registering the card and one for purchasing the tumbler! COOL! Of course I chose the most expensive one, which was the new item, Mocha Cookie Crumble! WOOHOO!!!!

Got home and found Coco's bear torn into pieces. 
Oh MY, is it even a bear?


Night came and it was time to watch Showdown 2012. I sat in front of my TV, watching my friends, "Inversion" perform in front of the judges while I started to design my new Starbucks tumbler! Although they didn't get through this round, at least they got into the top 10 and I'm proud of them. They've done their best and that's all that matters...

Here's a random photoshoped picture of my artwork...

Now, my tumbler is complete!