Sunday, October 27, 2013

GSC Horrorfest by Nuffnang

Today, I was invited to Nuffnang GSCHorrorfest! It was a movie marathon of 3 back-to-back horror films! So interesting! I have avoided horror movies for quite some time and now, I have decided to face it, 3 to be exact, in different languages! Since I went straight there after work, I didn't have time to get myself dressed up and made up. I did a 5 minute fast simple makeup and went to collect my tickets and freebies.

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Everyone waited patiently to enter our area with food and zombies welcoming us.
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Even the GSC staff were dressed up for the occasion.
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Here's Hoshi, my movie date and his shenanigans.
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Thumbs up for the decorations.
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I bumped into Ernest and Dan! I think I bump into them at every event Churp churp has to offer!
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Oh and I bumped into Simon Seow too. It has been a very long time since I last saw him. He too had to pose for my camera.
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Hoshi has a thing with zombies... I wish he would get a zombie girlfriend soon... LOL
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We grabbed a few of the desserts and headed into the cinema for our movie!
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I also got myself a temporary spray on tattoo!!!
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There was a dress up competition. Obviously I dind't even get into the finalists. Ernest says I look more like Evanescence. LOL!
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Freebies from the event...
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Thanks to our coupons we had free drinks and popcorn for all movies!!!
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The movies we watched were The Second Sight, Rigor Mortis and Insidious 2. The second Sight left most of us walking out laughing. It was more of a romance movie that left a guy making out on the couch with himself. Rigor Mortis was also hilarious because we didn't see why the guy had to break his arm in the end. Insidious was however more scary. I could say they really did leave the best for last.
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  I wish I could attend the next Horrorfest! It lies very near my birthday anyway.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Churpout 2013 event at Setia City Park

Today's the day of the Churpout event!
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I wanted to go so badly last year but due to transportation and also work, I couldn't make it. Although I had work today, I tried to get off early but in the end still ended up there late. Better late than never.

Arrived at Setia City Park using my Waze in less than 30 minutes from Kota Damansara. By the time I got a parking and got at the event itself, it was already 5.40pm. The first thing I did was to take pictures of whatever booths I was passing by. All the booths on the right were apparently apparels.
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Just as I was about to walk on to take more photos of the booths, I saw a crowd surrounding the centre as I heard some kids singing. Turns out that there were some kids singing while playing on the Ukulele! Cute much!
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Looked around and saw the alpha churpers, Reuben, Dennis, Dan Khoo and Shawn. Went over to say greetings before they proceeded to the "elevator".The elevator is a reverse bungee jump which seemed so interesting. Too bad I didn't get to try it because it was raining when I had the chance and I didn't want to get drenched in the rain...
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Enough with the pictures of the elevator. I bet you would want to watch them scream instead right? Here's Reuben's daring act for keeping his phone in his hand, filming his experience with his hat on; Dan Khoo who failed at flipping in the air, not earning RM50 for every spin he does from Reuben and Dennis Yin, who is the most entertaining poser of all. Take a look and have a laugh!

Next up on the agenda was Capoeira. I never exactly watched one before so I stood with Jian, Chee Ching and their friend and watched on. It's quite a cool dance actually. The history behind it is that Brazillians used this dance to hide the fact that they were actually training to defend themselves. I hope I got the facts right. I was driving as Jian explained the details to me. Here are some videos.

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Later, they invited the crowd to join in. They walked towards us and Jian ended up taking the offer. Little did we know how talented Jian was! He knows how to do the Capoeira! SERIOUSLY! And btw, he can sing too. He sang Thai songs while I drove him home today... Here's a video of him!!!

Next up was a dance performed by a K Pop group named Epsilon. They have some really cool funky colours...

And finally, as the event came to an end, the rain came to send us off. Look at the beautiful sunset as the event ended.
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As the crowd died down, I finally got the chance to take a picture of the Churpout event backdrop, without having to fight for a minute to get a nice picture.
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Here's what I went home with. I guess you can only notice the big box of doggy treats huh? It will be donated to Noah's Ark Welfare in Ipoh. I will be bringing it all the way back to Ipoh to donate it.
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And here are the people I snapped pictures with today...
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Thanks Churp Churp and the committees for holding such a fun day. Although I came late, I enjoyed it. Rain or Shine, it don't matter to us. YEAY!!! Poor Darren, he suffered from sunburn on his face. Don't worry Darren... you still look ok.
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At the end of the day, I went home with more than half of Miao's covers. Just coz I am supportive that way!!! Interested? Log on to Akiraceo's blog now!!!
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