Friday, February 3, 2012

Valentines day T_T

As you know, there are campaigns held everywhere you are and everywhere you see. People are posting on their statuses, Events are held, competitions are going on... 

For the first time in 5 years, I will not be celebrating it with someone special since I got heartbroken a year ago. Perhaps I would be celebrating with MANY special people instead. No idea what would be going on yet, but I do hope someone does come up with someone to make my day a special one.

Love, it used to be such a big deal for me. When I have a crush or ever fall in love with someone, I had to have him! It's either that or I'd stalk his facebook, Scream at the screen when I see him with girls' pictures, when he is anywhere but with me; stalk his whereabouts, stalk his status updates etc. I guess I was being so immature back then. ^^ Thank God I've outgrown of that and decided to remain single until I have found what I am really looking for. It's also an excuse for me actually as I am not so confident in myself. 

There's this thinking where all the guys in the world will always go for hot chicks, long legs, slim figure, pretty face, dolly barbie face, etc and I don't have any of it! I don't blame them as I too wondered to myself at time that if I were a boy, I too would go for those preferences. There are also guys who would tell me :"No lah. You not fat la, you chubby jek. Nice to hug ma. Sure got guys go after you one, you so outgoing..." I know they tell me that to not hurt my feelings and also coz they are my friends. I mean, if you don't know this chubby fat girl standing around, you wouldn't even bother walking up to her to ask her for her phone number and also for a date right? What I mean is, first impression means TOO MUCH! I must go on diet now... T_T

Don't agree with me? Name me 10 famous people who are with ugly, fat, people. HUH? NAME IT!!!
Sorry for the emo shit... HAHA! Just being too frank... Oh, speaking of Frank, I was on facebook and saw a page with a VALENTINES contest AGAIN! YEAH! The prizes are not really what I am looking forward to as I got all of them already but who cares? Let's win ourselves something!!! I shall try to take a snappilicious photo... Any suggestions on how it would look snappy?