What should I say about my 2011 year? There were ups and downs... It's life...
However, I've had quite a year, after going through some difficult moments, God gave me much more to life. He gave me more friends, more activities and finally let me find myself once again instead of living life the way someone wanted it to be.
I met new friends from KL, dancers, bloggers, even all the way from Melaka. (Thanks again Miao for bringing me around Melaka. I will bring you around Ipoh some time soon I hope.)
Celebrated my birthday with new friends, old friends, friends whom I never knew would be interested in hanging out with me, my family...
I turned up at parties uninvited and had quite some fun. Everyone lives just once. Don't they? So why limit yourself and lay low? 2012 may just be the end!
Attended some dress up parties which I dressed up as a Fairy and also an angel. Save cost huh? At least I got to dress up as something and got something in return. No, not the free beer or stuff, more to the memories. People in Euro House has treated me well. They are just like a family! I love being there so much. It's practically my second home!
I WENT TO BATTLEGROUND FINALS!!! Not as in a participant but as a spectator. It was good enough for me. Although it's not too late to start continuing back my dream, but I also think it is almost time... Regrets...
Held a few parties of my own, birthday or steamboat, I had fun with the time spent with my friends. Friends were the only thing that kept me going through those hard times in the year.
I braved myself up to cut my hair short again. I didn't have to explain it to anyone this time like I had to ask for permission before. I live for myself now. Many liked my hair though.. Or so I heard...
In 2011, I may lost some but gained MORE. I shall say it had done me well. Better than I thought I would have.... In 2012, I am sure to say that I will have an absolute Crazier Happier life. You'll have to stay tuned to my blog to know what I may come out with next!
Finally, I would like to thank all of you for being such a doll in reading and dropping by my blog posts... Do click on my adverts or participate in my polls. Help me earn more and be a happier me?? HAHA... SEE YALL!!! Take care and God Bless~!!!